Friday, September 6, 2013

Monthly Home Learning Wrap-Up ~ August 2013

What we read:
·      Swiss Family Robinson
·      Rereading Sea of Monsters

What we did:
·      Clothes shopping
·      Designing original outfits
·      Started Instagram for our 2 cats – A Tale of 2 Kitties
·      Lots of Nail Art
·      Attempted some cardboard construction
·      Grew hydroponic lettuce
·      Mulan lead to looking up the legend and China history. Research on the Hunnic Empire. Evolution of civilizations. 
·      Went to see Cats – the musical, her first on stage professional musical

What we watched:
·      Outrageous Acts of Science, Vsauce, CutePolish
·      PercyJackson: The Sea of Monsters movie
·      Perseid Meteor Shower – which we learned does not originate from Perseus  
·      RL Stien’s Haunting Hour
·      Disney’s Mulan
·      Disney’s Swiss Family Robinson

Where we went:
·      Youth group – sundae party
·      Hiking on Pupukea
·      Trip to AZ & NY – NY State Fair, Canyon Climb, time with cousins, swimming, acrylic nails, shopping, etc. … So many experiences, too much to keep track of!

What we talked about:
·      Narrated to me, plot of Percy Jackson and how they compare and contrast to the movies and the original Greek myths
·      Anxiety about growing up, adult responsibilities
·      Discussed the difference in intelligent horror vs. slasher films and social/political commentary

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